July 23, 2019

5 Best Discontinued Tektronix Analyzers

As far back as the early days of wireless communications, designers and engineers have been concerned with electromagnetic interference (EMI). Tektronix has been a leader in designing and producing several series of analyzers to help detect and combat EMI throughout the testing phases of research and manufacturing. Tektronix analyzers are known for their ability to instantly scan broad spectrum spans and display easy-to-read test results for better overall EMI detection.


Although the following models are discontinued and no longer manufactured by Tektronix, they are still in demand and available from Apex Waves. We also offer a warranty on every product we sell and repair. Repaired products are guaranteed for one year, remanufactured/reconditioned units are warranted for two years, while new surplus items come with a three-year warranty. Follow the link to our Tektronix Analyzers page, or contact us for more information about the series and models featured below.

RSA3000B Spectrum Analyzer Series

Of all the Tektronix analyzers available, this model has much to offer that will reduce testing timelines and increase workflows. Ideal for RF system design, network or spectrum management, or performance evaluations, the RSA 3000B series boasts a DC to 8 GHz frequency range, TekConnect probe interfaces, and a powerful ability to analyze vector signals and pulsed RF signals, among other easy-to-use features.

Users will enjoy the easy-to-read color screen to view the progress of signal transients that is not available with many other signal analyzers. This option alone makes this series of spectrum analyzers stand head and shoulders above the rest.

RSA5000 Analyzer Series

Tektronix mid-range spectrum analyzers in the RSA5000 Series (including the 5100B sub-series) can achieve RF performance up to a bandwidth height of 85 MHz and also uses 3rd Generation DPX® Technology. Engineers and signal analysis technicians came to rely on the dynamic range of this series of analyzers when faced with challenging measurements in spectrum analysis.

RSA5000 Series Analyzers record measurements of:

  • Amplitude
  • ACLR
  • CCDF
  • Channel power
  • DPX spectrum
  • EMI
  • Frequency
  • Phase vs. time
  • Spectrograms

Use models of the Tektronix RSA5000 Series analyzers to debug RF design of various modules and systems, quickly identify known and unknown signals, perform compliance testing and EMI diagnostics, and analyze all types of radar/EW signals.

TLA6000 Logic Analyzer Series

The Tektronix TLA6000 Series of logic analyzers are affordable and easy-to-use when validating, debugging, or optimizing digital systems. A comprehensive set of DDR2 Protocol and Debug analysis tools allow users to perform a variety of tests.

Signal Integrity tools include:

  • Glitch Trigger and Storage – Select and trigger on potential issues with signal integrity to determine which signals warrant further investigation.
  • iCapture – Send suspicious signals to the analog output of the TLA6000 using this exclusive feature, allowing quicker debugging.
  • iView – This feature displays a view of logic analyzer and oscilloscope data that is correlated by time to facilitate further testing.

Among the favorite features of the TLA 6000 series is Drag-and-Drop Triggering and Drag-and-Drop Measurements. Simply and quickly choose from eight trigger types to save time and eliminate errors when testing and drag and drop an icon from the measurements toolbar onto a chosen signal to instantly see results.

CSA7000 Series of Communication Signal Analyzers 

The CSA7000 series of Communication Signal Analyzers is filled with great tools for assessing and evaluating communication designs. Analyzers in this series are ideal for measuring jitter, signal integrity, and timing margins, as well as electrical and optical signal integrity in embedded designs.

Some of the most popular features include:

  • Capture 400,000+ waveforms per second
  • Color touchscreen
  • Eye pattern measurements suite
  • Four input channels
  • Large wavelength optical response
  • Maximum 4 GHz bandwidth
  • Several built-in compliance mask assessments
  • TekConnect interface
  • Up to 32 MB memory
  • 20 GB hard drive

DSA72004C Digital Serial Analyzer

This is reputed to be the most accurate real-time digital signal analyzer manufactured by Tektronix. Among its top features are:

  • 20 GHz analog bandwidth
  • 4 analog channels
  • 300,000+ wfms/s capture rate
  • Customized windows with MyScope
  • DDR memory bus analysis
  • Pinpoint triggering

Capture signals and debug faster with the DSA72004C, which also includes a large touchscreen and OpenChoice® software. Contact Apex Waves to request pricing on a purchase or repair.

Do You Need an Analyzer or an Oscilloscope?

Signal analyzers feature a narrow analysis bandwidth, which means a noise floor that is low. If you are testing a broad span of frequencies for low-level signals, one of the signal analyzers above is your best choice. In contrast, oscilloscopes (O-Scopes) allow a wider bandwidth analysis across many channels, and the ability to extract transition times lower than 4 ps. A signal analyzer performs at only about 20 ps. Apex Waves also offers several top models of discontinued Tektronix oscilloscopes to fit your testing needs.

Contact us at Apex Waves for all your discontinued, used, or repair electronic testing equipment needs, including Tektronix analyzers and oscilloscopes.

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