August 21, 2019

National Instruments – A Top Manufacturer for VXI Products

In August 2019, ResearchMoz released their Global VXI Testing Equipment Market, Insights, and Forecast to 2025 report, which provides both data and estimates for the worldwide market of VXI Testing Equipment. In this study, seven top manufacturers are included, as well as an examination of their VXI testing equipment, broken down by type, application, production by region, and consumption by region. For the purposes of this study, 2018 was considered as the base year, with a market history of 2014 – 2018 and a forecast timeframe of 2019 – 2015.


It should come as no surprise that National Instruments, based in Austin, Texas, and with offices in over 50 countries worldwide, is included as a top manufacturer of VXI testing and measurement products. Since 1976, National Instruments has created top-tier automated test and measurement products and systems to help various industries accelerate their engineering and solve challenges. Major technological industries, most notably in aerospace and defense applications, have utilized NI VXI products and solutions for many years with great success.

National Instruments has earned a reputation as a market leader by offering the most extensive range of VXI control solutions available. These include both modules and software for programming, troubleshooting, and configuring VXI systems. A huge advantage of using NI VXI products is the ability to use off-the-shelf computing technology to increase overall usability, performance, and pricing.


What is VXI?

VXI stands for VMEbus Extensions for Instrumentation and is basically a rack and bus system of computer-controlled automated testing technology. VXI technology was developed in 1987 by a consortium that desired to formulate a new multi-vendor standard for certain components. This standard sought to define guidelines for hardware and software from different manufacturers to operate together seamlessly. In March 1993, the IEEE adopted a formal specification for VXI, designated as IEEE 1155.

This standard for interoperability has been an astounding success. VXI is supported by over 250 manufacturers and vendors and is found in well over 1,000 products. Among industries and companies that use open instrumentation systems, VXI has become, and remains, the platform of choice.

What are the Main Benefits of VXI?

Modern VXI technology was born from the need for a compact and integrated format for test solutions. Its genius is found in the simplicity of use and interoperability between components from various manufacturers. This allows users to choose the best solution for their application, even with parts from different vendors.

Users commonly point out the following benefits of VXI:

  • All test instruments can be contained on a card within a multi-slot rack.
  • Components can be used from several different manufacturers.
  • A single rack and backplane allow for higher operating speeds.
  • Because all instruments are closely aligned on a single card, communication and synchronization between them is faster and timing is much more accurate.
  • Configuring components is easy due to plug-and-play accessibility.

How is VXI Used?

VXI technology and products are used in numerous applications that include data acquisition, data analysis, automated testing, and measurement for Analog, RF, DC, and microwave. Many modern systems operate solely with VXI, but some users are integrating it with GPIB instruments, DAQ boards, and VME cards. Increasingly, VXI is being combined with MXI (Multisystem Extension Interface). As more systems are developed and experimentation increases, users continue to discover even more applications where the flexibility of VXI allows it to be a part of a growing number of measurement and testing solutions.

National Instruments and VXI

National Instruments is a world leader in the production of VXI components and software for a growing variety of applications across numerous industries. NI provides information about VXI development and usage, as well as many product solutions.

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