September 17, 2019

National Instruments SCC: Part 4

This is the fourth and final part of our National Instruments SCC blog series. This part will end with descriptions of Electromechanical accessories, Sensors Plug&Play Measurement Devices, Rack Mount Kits, and the SC-205x series.


The National Instruments SC-2062 has eight electromechanical relays that are controlled through digital output signals from National Instruments DAQ devices. These relays switch multiple loads that require more power than is available with DAQ digital output lines. Each SC-2062 has screw terminals connected to eight sets of SPDT relay contacts.



The ER-8 and ER-16 (ER-8/16) are general-purpose, electromechanical relay accessories from National Instruments with 8 or 16 independent single-pole double-throw (SPDT), also called Form C, nonlatching relays. The relays can switch up to 3 A at 30 VDC or 250 Vrms. Each relay has a Normally Closed (NC), Normally Open (NO), and Common (COM) terminal. By using the SC-205x Series cable adapters, you can utilize the ER-8/16 with other National Instruments multifunction boards with digital outputs.

The SC-205x boards are five cable adapters that are used with National Instruments analog and digital DAQ products as flexible interfaces to the SC-206x5B SeriesSC-204xER-8/16, and SSR Series analog and digital signal conditioning accessories. The SC-2050 is designed to work with E Series DAQ devices. The SC-2054 is designed to work with NI 6508 digital I/O devices.


Rack-mount kits can hold signal conditioning accessories, such as the AMUX-64T analog multiplexer, as well as SC Series signal conditioning boards in standard 19 in. rack-mount cabinets.

The National Instruments Sensors Plug&Play are measurement devices that include built-in TEDS readers that monitor TEDS sensors. The National Instruments SC-2350 is a shielded carrier for the SCC signal conditioning modules that feature configurable connectors for Class II smart TEDS sensors. The NI SC-2350, which cables directly to M Series and E Series DAQ devices, can be powered directly from the DAQ device or through an external power supply. The device includes a built-in TEDS reader, which can be used to measure multiple parameters including temperature, pressure, and strain.


Apex Waves is a supplier of numerous types of obsolete and discontinued modular test equipment by National Instruments. These parts include SCC test equipment described in our SCC blog post series.

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