What is a Decibel Calculator?

A Decibel Calculator is a tool used to convert a ratio of two power or intensity levels into decibels (dB), a logarithmic unit used to express the magnitude of a physical quantity. Decibels are widely used in fields like acoustics, electronics, and communications to measure sound levels, signal strengths, and other ratios in a convenient and understandable way.

How to Use the Calculator

  1. Enter the Ratio: Input the ratio of the two power or intensity levels. This ratio should be a positive number.
  2. Calculate Decibels: Click the 'Calculate Decibels' button to perform the conversion.
  3. View Results: The calculator will display the result in decibels (dB).

Formula Used

The calculator uses the formula: dB = 10 × log10(ratio), where 'ratio' is the ratio of the two power levels.


Decibel calculators are essential in audio engineering for measuring sound levels, in telecommunications for signal strength analysis, and in various scientific and industrial applications where power ratios are a concern.


It's important to ensure that the input ratio is a positive number and to understand that decibels are a logarithmic measure, which means they describe a relative rather than an absolute quantity.