National Instruments FlexRIO products offer the versatility of custom hardware with easily reconfigurable instruments. Popular NI PXI modules in the FlexRIO series include FPGA modules, PXI interface modules, and PXI digitizers. Boasting high-performance RF, analog, and digital I/O capabilities, FlexRIO instruments can be programmed graphically with either VHDL/Verilog or LabVIEW.


National Instruments FlexRIO products offer the versatility of custom hardware with easily reconfigurable instruments. Popular NI PXI modules in the FlexRIO series include FPGA modules, PXI interface modules, and PXI digitizers. Boasting high-performance RF, analog, and digital I/O capabilities, FlexRIO instruments can be programmed graphically with either VHDL/Verilog or LabVIEW.

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FlexRIO Description Stock Level
FSMP-FSMPNational Instruments FSMP-FSMP Spring-Loaded Bullet AdapterCall
myRIO-1900myRIO-1900 Portable Reconfigurable I/O (RIO) Device Call
NI-1483National Instruments NI-1483- supports 80-bit, 10-tap base-, medium-, and full-configuration image acquisitionIn Stock
Ships Today
NI-5731National Instruments NI-5731- 40 MS/s sample rateCall
NI-5732National Instruments NI-5732- 80 MS/s sample rateCall
NI-5733National Instruments NI-5733- 120 MS/s sample rateIn Stock
Ships Today
NI-5734National Instruments NI-5734- 16-Bit ResolutionIn Stock
Ships in 5-10 Days
NI-5741National Instruments NI-5741- 1 MS/s sample rateCall
NI-5742National Instruments NI-5742 Signal Generator Adapter Module- 16-Bit resolutionCall
NI-5751National Instruments NI-5751- 50 MS/s sample rateCall
NI-5751BNational Instruments NI-5751B- 16 ChannelsCall
NI-5752National Instruments NI-5752- 32 ChannelsCall
NI-5752BNational Instruments NI-5752B Digitizer Adapter Module- 12-Bit resolutionCall
NI-5753National Instruments NI-5753- 120 MS/s sample rateCall
NI-5761National Instruments NI-5761 Digitizer Adapter Module- 250 MS/s sample rateIn Stock
Ships Today
NI-5762National Instruments NI-5762 Digitizer Adapter Module- 250 MS/s Sample RateCall
NI-5771National Instruments NI-5771- 3 GS/s sample rateCall
NI-5772National Instruments NI-5772 Digitizer Adapter Module- 1.6 GS/s sample rateCall
NI-5781National Instruments NI-5781- dual-input, dual-output moduleIn Stock
Ships Today
NI-5782National Instruments NI-5782- 500 MS/s update rateIn Stock
Ships Today
NI-5783National Instruments NI-5783- 400 MS/s update rateCall
NI-5791National Instruments NI-5791 RF Adapter Module- 200 MHz to 4.4 GHzCall
NI-5792National Instruments NI-5792- 20 dBm maximum input powerCall
NI-5793National Instruments NI-5793- 8 dBm maximum output powerCall
NI-6581National Instruments NI-6581- 100 MHz Digital I/O Adapter ModuleIn Stock
Ships in 5-10 Days
NI-6581BNational Instruments NI-6581B- 100 Mbits/s maximum data rateCall
NI-6583National Instruments NI-6583 Digital I/O Adapter Module- 300 Mbits/s maximum data rateIn Stock
Ships Today
NI-6584National Instruments NI-6584- 16 Mbits/s maximum data rateIn Stock
Ships Today
NI-6585National Instruments NI-6585- Virtex-5 FPGAIn Stock
Ships Today
NI-6585BNational Instruments NI-6585B- Kintex-7, Virtex-5 FPGACall
NI-6587National Instruments NI-6587- 1 GHz maximum clock rateCall
NI-6589National Instruments NI-6589- 1 Gbits/s maximum data rateCall
NI-7931National Instruments NI-7931- 2 GB onboard DRAMCall
NI-7932National Instruments NI-7932- Xilinx Kintex-7 K325T FPGACall
NI-7935National Instruments NI-7935 Controller- 1,540 DSP slicesCall
PCIe-5763National Instruments PCIe-5763- AC or DC input couplingCall
PCIe-5764National Instruments PCIe-5764- 1 GS/s maximum sample rateCall
PCIe-5774National Instruments PCIe-5774- 6.4 GS/s maximum sample rateCall
PCIe-5775National Instruments PCIe-5775- 12 bits resolutionCall
PCIe-5785National Instruments PCIe-5785- 0 or 4 GB DRAMCall
PXI-7951National Instruments PXI-7951- 4,800 FPGA slicesCall
PXI-7952National Instruments PXI-7952- 1,728 kbit BRAMCall
PXI-7953National Instruments PXI-7953- Virtex-5 LX85 FPGACall
PXI-7954National Instruments PXI-7954- 17,280 FPGA slicesCall
PXIe-1486National Instruments PXI FlexRIO FPD-Link™ Interface Module.In Stock
Ships in 5-10 Days
PXIe-1487PXIe-1487 8 Input, 8 Output, or 4 I/O FlexRIO GMSL™ Interface ModuleCall
PXIe-1488PXIe-1488 FlexRIO FPD-Link Interface ModuleCall
PXIe-1489PXIe-1489 PCI Express Gen-3 x8 FlexRIO GMSL Interface ModuleCall
PXIe-5745National Instruments PXIe-5745- 6.4 GS/s maximum sample rateCall
PXIe-5763National Instruments PXIe-5763- 225 MHz analog input bandwidthCall
PXIe-5764National Instruments PXIe-5764- 16 bits analog input resolutionCall
PXIe-5774National Instruments PXIe-5774- DC analog input couplingCall
PXIe-5775National Instruments PXIe-5775- 1.25 Vpp analog input voltage rangeCall
PXIe-5785National Instruments PXIe-5785- 6.4 GS/sIn Stock
Ships Today
PXIe-6569PXIe-6569 1.25 Gbit/s FlexRIO Digital I/O ModuleCall
PXIe-7890PXIe-7890 FlexRIO Multifunction I/O Module with 64 Pin Digital I/OCall
PXIe-7891PXIe-7891 64 Digital I/O FlexRIO Multifunction I/O ModuleCall
PXIe-7911National Instruments PXIe-7911- 19 Mbit BRAMCall
PXIe-7912National Instruments PXIe-7912- 21 Mbit BRAMCall
PXIe-7915National Instruments PXIe-7915- 38 Mbit BRAMCall
PXIe-7961National Instruments PXIe-7961- Virtex-5 SX50T FPGACall
PXIe-7962National Instruments PXIe-7962- 288 DSP SlicesCall
PXIe-7965National Instruments PXIe-7965- Virtex 5 SX95T FPGACall
PXIe-7966National Instruments PXIe-7966- Virtex-5 SX95T FPGACall
PXIe-7971National Instruments PXIe-7971- K325T FPGACall
PXIe-7972National Instruments PXIe-7972- 1.7 GB/sCall
PXIe-7975National Instruments PXIe-7975- K410T FPGACall
PXIe-7976National Instruments PXIe-7976- 3.2 GB/sCall
PXIe-7981National Instruments PXIe-7981- x8 Gen 3 Form FactorCall
PXIe-7982National Instruments PXIe-7982- 4 GB DRAMCall
PXIe-7985National Instruments PXIe-7985- KU060 FPGACall
780565-01National Instruments 780565-01 Digital I/O Adapter Module for FlexRIOCall
781207-01781207-01 512 MB PXIe-7965 NI FlexRIO FPGA ModuleCall
781267-01National Instruments 781267-01 Transceiver Adapter Module for FlexRIOCall
781287-01781287-01 NI-5761 Digitizer Adapter Module with 4 ChannelsCall
781290-01781290-01 NI-6584 Adapter Module for FlexRIO with 16 ChannelsCall
781320-01781320-01 NI-6583 Digital I/O Adapter Module for FlexRIOCall
781356-01National Instruments 781356-01 Digitizer Adapter Module for FlexRIOCall
781357-01National Instruments 781357-01 Digitizer Adapter Module for FlexRIOCall
781419-02National Instruments 781419-02 Digitizer Adapter Module for FlexRIOCall
781659-02781659-02 NI-5733 Digitizer Adapter Module for FlexRIOCall
781659-04National Instruments 781659-04 Digitizer Adapter Module for FlexRIOCall
781702-01National Instruments 781702-01 Digital I/O Adapter Module for FlexRIOCall
781749-01781749-01 NI-5762 Digitizer Adapter Module with Elliptic FilterCall
782097-01782097-01 NI-5772 Digitizer Adapter Module with 2 ChannelsCall
782510-01782510-01 NI-5791 RF Adapter Module for FlexRIOCall
782511-01National Instruments 782511-01 RF Adapter Module for FlexRIOCall
782512-01782512-01 NI-5793 RF Adapter Module for FlexRIO with 200 MHz BandwidthCall
782705-01782705-01 NI-5782 IF Transceiver Adapter Module that is AC CoupledCall
782865-01782865-01 NI-5742 Signal Generator Adapter Module for FlexRIO with 32 ChannelsCall
782954-01National Instruments 782954-01 FlexRIO FPGA Module   Call
783625-01783625-01 2 GB PXIe-7976 PXI FPGA Module for FlexRIOCall
783763-01National Instruments 783763-01 Controller for FlexRIOCall
783765-01783765-01 NI-7932 FlexRIO Controller with Kintex-7 K325T FPGACall
783766-01National Instruments 783766-01 NI Controller for FlexRIO Controller for FlexRIOCall
784061-01784061-01 NI-5751B Digitizer Adapter Module for FlexRIOCall
784062-01784062-01 NI-5752B Digitizer Module for FlexRIO with 32 ChannelsCall
784364-01National Instruments 784364-01 Transceiver Adapter Module for FlexRIOCall
784429-01National Instruments 784429-01 Digitizer Adapter Module for FlexRIOCall
785161-01785161-01 PXIe-5763 FlexRIO Digitizer with 4 ChannelsCall
785170-01National Instruments 785170-01 4-Channel FlexRIO DigitizerCall
785172-01National Instruments 785172-01 PXI Coprocessor Module   Call
785173-01785173-01 PXIe-7912 FlexRIO FPGA Coprocessor with KU040 FPGACall
785174-01785174-01, 8 Channel, 5 V, PXIe-7915 FlexRIO Coprocessor ModuleCall
785586-01785586-01 PXIe-5785 FlexRIO IF Transceiver with KU060 FPGACall
785587-01785587-01 PCIe-5785 FlexRIO IF Transceiver with KU035 FPGACall
785591-01National Instruments 785591-01 2-Channel FlexRIO DigitizerCall
785595-01National Instruments 785595-01 FlexRIO Digitizer Device   Call
785596-01National Instruments 785596-01 2-Channel FlexRIO Signal GeneratorCall
785647-01785647-01 PXIe-5774 FlexRIO Digitizer with 2 ChannelsCall
785650-01785650-01 PCIe-5774 FlexRIO Digitizer with KU060 FPGACall
785958-01National Instruments 785958-01 FlexRIO Digitizer Device   Call
786164-01786164-01 PCIe-5763 FlexRIO Digitizer Device with KU040 FPGACall
787282-01National Instruments 787282-01 FlexRIO Digital I/O ModuleCall
787454-01787454-01 PXIe-1486 FlexRIO FPD-Link™ Interface Module with 4 InputCall
787713-01787713-01 PXIe-7890 FlexRIO Multifunction I/O Module with KU060 FPGACall
787714-01787714-01, 32 Bit, 4 GB Memory, PXIe-7891 FlexRIO Multifunction I/O ModuleCall
788355-01788355-01 PXIe-1489 FlexRIO GMSL Interface Module with 4 InputCall
788714-01National Instruments 788714-01 FlexRIO GMSL™ Interface ModuleCall