MXI-Express x4 Series

The National Instruments MXI-Express x4 Series allows users to control a PXI Express system from an x4 or higher PCI Express slot. This series offers a top sustained throughput of 832 MB/s with the PXIe-PCIe8372 model, (ensuring) efficient data transfer. Each NI PXI model in the MXI-Express x4 Series features either 1 or 2 cabled PCI Express links, with an x4 lane width, and supports cables up to 7 meters, providing (versatile) options for extended connectivity.

MXI-Express x4 Series

The National Instruments MXI-Express x4 Series allows users to control a PXI Express system from an x4 or higher PCI Express slot. This series offers a top sustained throughput of 832 MB/s with the PXIe-PCIe8372 model, (ensuring) efficient data transfer. Each NI PXI model in the MXI-Express x4 Series features either 1 or 2 cabled PCI Express links, with an x4 lane width, and supports cables up to 7 meters, providing (versatile) options for extended connectivity.

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MXI-Express x4 Series Description Stock Level
PCIe-8372National Instruments PCIe-8372- two x4 linksIn Stock
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PCIe-8375National Instruments PCIe-8375- 838 MB/sIn Stock
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PXIe-8370National Instruments PXIe-8370 Module- 1 GB/s MXI bandwidthIn Stock
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PXIe-8375National Instruments PXIe-8375- 100 m maximum cable lengthIn Stock
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PXIe-PCIe8371National Instruments PXIe-PCIe8371- 1 portCall
PXIe-PCIe8372National Instruments PXIe-PCIe8372- 832 MB/s throughputCall
PXIe-PCIe8375National Instruments PXIe-PCIe8375- 838 MB/s sustained throughputCall
779720-01779720-01, Copper Cable, MXI Express Interface, PXIe-8370 PXI Remote Control ModuleCall
781040-01National Instruments 781040-01 PXI Remote Control ModuleCall
781041-01National Instruments 781041-01 Device For PXI Remote ControlCall